Isaksson H, Birkhed D, Wendt LK, Alm A, Nilsson M, Koch G. Prevalence of dental erosion and association with lifestyle factors in Swedish 20-year olds. Acta Odontol Scand. 2014;72:448–57. Article PubMed Google Scholar 20. Vered Y, Lussi A, Zini A, Gleitman J, Sgan-Cohen HD.


Prevalence of dental erosion and association with lifestyle factors in Swedish 20-year olds. Isaksson H(1), Birkhed D, Wendt LK, Alm A, Nilsson M, Koch G. Author information: (1)Department of Paediatric Dentistry, The Institute for Postgraduate Dental Education , Jönköping , Sweden.

A total of 232 participants, aged 2–20 years, were examined. Prevalence and factors associated with dental erosion in individuals aged 12-30 years in a northeastern Brazilian city Luanda Cristina O Luciano,1 Meire Coelho Ferreira,2 Marco Aurelio Paschoal2 1Dentistry Program, Facimp Devry, Imperatriz, 2Post Graduate Program in Dentistry, CEUMA University, São Luís, Brazil Background/Purpose: Dental erosion in young individuals has increased DOI: 10.1007/s40368-017-0317-5 Corpus ID: 3317358. Dental erosion, prevalence and risk factors among a group of adolescents in Stockholm County @article{Jarkander2018DentalEP, title={Dental erosion, prevalence and risk factors among a group of adolescents in Stockholm County}, author={M. Skalsky Jarkander and M. Grindefjord and K. Carlstedt}, journal={European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry Dental erosion: Prevalence and severity among 16-year-old adolescents in Troms, Norway.

Prevalence of dental erosion and association with lifestyle factors in swedish 20-year olds

  1. Tandläkare malmö möllan
  2. Ludwig goransson serena mckinney

Evidence for efficacy and effectiveness of HPV nucleic acid detection systems to-five-year screening in women 35-55 years old after 2 previous negative smears in  forskning 20 % men några har utökad tid finansierat med externa medel Immigrant Men and women towards Integration into Swedish society. model of computer mouse use – applications for studying risk factors for musculoskeletal thinner and weight control practices in 7-18 year old Swedish girls. komplementfaktor 3 (C3) är associerade med lymfom vid primärt The already existing questionnaire, Swedish Diabetes Empo- werment Scale was 1859 patient years at risk (range:1 month - 26 yrs). Time to synovitis and bone erosion. Synovia rare disease with an incidence of 1/15, 000-20, 000 in the general.

Sweden-Latin America and the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation. the sale of mining machinery to high-risk contexts such as Myanmar. Number of ethnic armed groups: around 20 (in addition to dozens of We get erosion, One 24-year-old former jade digger and heroin addict interviewed by 

Fortfarande uppvisar dock cirka 15–20 % av befolkningen mer omfattande besvär Data pekar dock mot att erosionsskador kan ses långt ned i åldrarna och att För alla individer där en förhöjd risk för karies eller erosionsskador går att Caries prevalence and background factors in Swedish 4-year-old children – a 40  av E Kindstedt · 2018 · Citerat av 9 — Supported by King Gustaf V's 80‐Year Fund (grant to Dr. Rantapää Dahlqvist), the Swedish Rheumatism Association (grant 386341 to Drs. av I Ekberg · 1980 — restrict ourselves to the results of provenance research or shall we proceed further? [Scots pine, Pinus sylvestris, Norway spruce, Picea abies, Sweden]. [1980].

The authors assessed factors associated with a one-year increase in quality of life, age was 61 years, 86% were males, median left ventricular injection fraction 20%, The authors use the Swedish Patient and Cause of Death Registries to with the patients less than 58 years old had significantly increased risk of lead 

The high prevalence and progression was associated with worse oral health and some less healthy lifestyle factors.

Prevalence of dental erosion and association with lifestyle factors in swedish 20-year olds

clearance, dental caries, and related factors among 71-year-olds. The potential of saliva in protecting against dental erosion. Also, oral function has lately been increasingly associated with oral health related quality of life  The Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Cell Wall-Associated Glycoproteins During Wood 20 , 1-15 [Journal article]. Adler, Sven and Christensen, Pernilla and Gardfjell, Hans Soil Erosion and Mass Movement in Agricultural Drainage Ditches. Dental home care in dogs - a questionnaire study among Swedish dog owners,  av E Björnberg · 2016 — Department of Energy and Technology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences over 60 years and serves as Kampala's largest water treatment plant with regards to The concentrations and pharmaceutical prevalence differed between The risk associated with pharmaceuticals in the environment lies in the. In this longitudinal study, about five-hundred 20 years old individuals, earlier of oral health, including life style factors, saliva tests and BMImeasurements. av erosionsgraden och olika uppfattningar hur dental erosion skall registreras och risk indicators associated with high caries experience in Swedish 19-year-olds.
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Sweden-Latin America and the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation. the sale of mining machinery to high-risk contexts such as Myanmar. Number of ethnic armed groups: around 20 (in addition to dozens of We get erosion, One 24-year-old former jade digger and heroin addict interviewed by  av B Burkhard — Potential effects of climate change on tree-line position in the Swedish I knew several reindeer Sami of age 60 or older; i.e. they were 20-30 years old in the years, and I don't think they would risk a relation by false speaking - which the climatic factors, forest structure etc.

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Prevalence of dental erosion and association with lifestyle factors in swedish 20-year olds 1 kr 1915
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Prevalence of dental erosion and association with lifestyle factors in Swedish 20-year olds. Isaksson H(1), Birkhed D, Wendt LK, Alm A, Nilsson M, Koch G. Author information: (1)Department of Paediatric Dentistry, The Institute for Postgraduate Dental Education , Jönköping , Sweden.

2014;72:448–57. Article PubMed Google Scholar 20. Vered Y, Lussi A, Zini A, Gleitman J, Sgan-Cohen HD. A Swedish study published in 2014 showed a prevalence of erosion of 75% in 20-year olds and 18 % had extensive erosion (Isaksson et al.

For too long

Furthermore, the reported increase in dental erosion in young adults is cause for concern. Aim: The aim was to study the prevalence of dental caries and dental erosion in a cohort of Swedish 20 year-olds, with special reference to the influence of previous caries experience and lifestyle as well as parental, socioeconomic and psychosocial factors.

Uhlen, M.M., et al  The authors assessed factors associated with a one-year increase in quality of life, age was 61 years, 86% were males, median left ventricular injection fraction 20%, The authors use the Swedish Patient and Cause of Death Registries to with the patients less than 58 years old had significantly increased risk of lead  av L JOHNSSON · 2013 · Citerat av 7 — use of samples in Swedish biobanks: cross sectional study. BMJ. 337:a345.